Wind Indicators
AeroSouth, Breezy Wind Indicator, BRZ-WND-NDC
The Breezy wind indicator performs well even in low-wind conditions. Spare parts included. Proudly e..
AeroSouth, Sunfish Dinghy Bob, DNG-BOB
Dinghy Bob prevents your small sailboat from turning-turtle and getting its mast or spar stuck in th..
Davis, Air-Flow Tels, 950
Lightweight. Ripstop nylon. Attaches to sails with waterproof adhesive locator discs. Red & Gree..
C-Vane, Sunfish Wind Indicator
Designed specifically for Sunfish and mounts on upper boomInnovative, sturdy, won't get caught on a ..
C-Vane, Sunfish Wind Indicator Arrow
The C-Vane Replacement Arrow is a replacement vane for your C-Vane wind indicator. This strong, ligh..